Liber specialis lectionis



Alastair Minnis and Rosalynn Voaden (eds.), Medieval Holy Women in the Christian Tradition, c. 1100 - c. 1500 (Brepols Essays in European Culture, vol. 1), Turnhout: Brepols, 2010.




 イベリア半島、スカンディナヴィアなど、従来はアクセスが難しい地域までカバーしている点も貴重。また、導入部の論文ではJohn van Engenによる「姉妹たちの書」が取り上げられているのにも注目。現在、英語圏の研究者がこのジャンルの史料に関心を示しつつあるので、これから研究が一気に進むことが予想される。




Alastair Minnis and Rosalynn Voaden, Introduction


Introductory Essays

Dyan Elliott, Flesh and Spirit: The Female Body

Alastair Minnis, Religious Roles: Public and Private

John Coakley, Women’s Textual Authority and the Collaboration of Clerics

John van Engen, Communal Life: The Sister-books

Peter Biller, Women and Dissent


Part 1: The British Isles

Anne Clark Bartlett, Holy Women in the British Isles: A Survey

Liz Herbert McAvoy, Julian of Norwich

Anthony Goodman, Margery Kempe


Part 2: France

Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Holy Women in France: A Survey

Constant J. Mews, Heloise

Michael G. Sergent, Marguerite Porete


Part 3: The German Territories

Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker, Holy Women in the German Territories: A Survey

Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Hildegard of Bingen

Anne L. Clark, Elisabeth of Schönau

Barbara Koch, Margaret Ebner

Amy Hollywood and Patricia Z. Beckman, Mechthild of Magdeburg

Rosalynn Voaden, Mechthild of Hackeborn

Alexandra Barrat and Debra L. Stoudt, Gertrude the Great of Helfta

Ute Stargardt, Dorothy of Montau


Part 4: The Iberian Peninsula

Ronald E. Surtz, Iberian Holy Women: A Survey


Part 5: Italy

  1. Ann Matter, Italian Holy Women: A Survey

Barbara Newman, Agnes of Prague and Guglielma of Milan

Cristina Mazzoni, Angela of Foligno

Suzanne Noffke, Cathrine of Siena


Part 6: The Low Countries

Walter Simons, Holy Women of the Low Countries: A Survey

Saskia Murk-Habseb, Hadewijch


Part 7: Scandinavia

Claire L. Sahlin, Holy Women of Scandinavia: A Survey